honey, when you have achieved the ultimate goal, you should’ve known it would’ve left you wanting more…
reaching the mountaintop
is a momentous occasion, of course,
but one cannot remain there forever —
they’d freeze! they can only remain until
the exhilarating rush fades and their mind stops
pulsing with the pain of success. crawl down the jagged rocks
like a deranged, sick devil out of her mind and an insatiable desire…
honey, when you have achieved the ultimate goal,
you should’ve known it would’ve left you wanting more…
the appetite for superficial highs is something you inherited
from your grandfather, but fuck, he couldn’t understand
the kind of joy you experience running around secretly to your dreams,
to your lovers, without your parents’ permission…
but what happens when you return home? what
happens when you’re at the bottom of the mountain with nowhere to go
but forward, forced to move past the highest you’ve ever gotten…
Sam H. is a college student planning to study psychology. They're an avid fan of niche TV shows and often enjoy reading comics in their spare time.